Monday, 16 November 2009

First Post :)

Hey everyone,
This is my first post, not entirely sure what to write about at the moment....

Im meant to be doing coursework at this moment in time, but im instead avoiding it by finally creating my blog, which ive been meaning to do for ages!

I guess as one of the reasons i created this blog is 'coz i want to blog about my Cystic Fibrosis and general life....

Ive had CF since I was born, I had a blocked intestine when I was born and had to have an operation for which I was transfered from my then local hospital to London Hospital, which has since closed down. I was in hospital for the first 6 weeks of my life. My mum came to see me when she could, which she tried her hardest to make everyday, she also had my older sister to sort out, who doesnt have CF, which I used to resent her for, but as Ive gotten older and understood about how I came to have it, I didnt resent her so much, I still get annoyed now and then with her but then thats what sisters do really lol!

Ive lived with CF for 20 years so far. When I was younger it was more "in the background" and I never noticed it, I didnt really understand it all and just knew I had to take pills whenever I ate (Creon) and also take antibiotics a lot more than the average person. I also had hospital appointments aswell, which I only liked going to as it meant I had the whole day off school, and got to go on a train haha!!

As Ive gotten older its become more prominent and Ive had good and bad times with it. I remember the first time I went onto IV's I was so scared, I'd never heard of them before, until I was transfered to my adult unit when I was 16 and they asked me if id ever had them before... They were always shocked that I didnt know anything about them, or even heard of them lol! Then when I had them for the first time it was also the first time I'd ever spent in hospital since I was born! So it was a pretty terrifying experience for me and for my mum. But the nurses on the ward made me feel welcome and were all pretty nice and chatty when they werent all busy :) My mum came to see me and my sister came down aswell as a surprise and bought me her Eeyore teddy which was sweet :)

I was pretty happy when I came out of hospital, the docs helped train me and my mum on how to administer home IV's, which was really helpful :) Since that first time on IV's ive had them quite a few times, the most recent being August this year. I had a slight infection and my docs wanted to give me a good round of strong antibiotics to set me up for my new uni term. They are a right royal pain, and I dont always feel the difference when I come off them, which annoys me. But if the lung functions goes up, I'm happy lol! Im currently about 63% and it goes up and down a lot this time of year... The lowest its ever been is about 49% and the weirdest thing is that I felt totally fine, I wasn't feeling that breathless and things, and when I did my lung function I found it so easy compared to past times I've done it, so it made no sense to me when it came back that low! Pretty scary as I hadnt noticed a change at all, and couldnt figure it out. I think if I had noticed a difference in myself and my health then I wouldnt have been so scared but my mum helped me through it all, and vice versa :)

Honestly I dont know what I would do without my mum, she is amazing! I love her so much :)

Ive got a bit of an infection at the moment so I'm on an extra neb (Colomycin twice a day) and oral antibiotics (Ciprofloxacilin also twice a day) Im finding it quite hard to fit the new neb in around my uni schedule but I'm managing to just about! My doc at BRI (Bristol Royal Infirmary) said that depending how I've picked up when I have my next appointment she might put me on IV's over the xmas holidays which will suck immensly so I'm really hoping I'll be better or at least showing enough improvement to not get IV's....

Being at uni now, I'm finding it hard to find the balance of taking care of myself and fitting in all the uni work I have and have a social life lol! I dont go out a whole deal, so its really nice to let off some steam when I do go out with friends, even if its just for a meal, which is usually at Frankie and Bennys, me and my friends are obsessed with that place, its lush!! :P

Most of my friends are pretty understanding about my CF, but I think there is the odd one or two who dont get it, but thats their perogative, as long as my close friends understand im happy :)

Before this blog I'd never spoken to anyone else who has CF, and i recently signed up the forums on the CF Trust website and I've met some really nice people so far who have been pretty helpful in answering questions I have and things :)

Im not sure what else to write about for now so until the next time :)


1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hi. I'm Tiny Dancer from the CF forum xx
