Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Port Operation

So im going into hospital tomorrow as im having my first port fitted on Friday.
Im going on IVs afterwards and my meds are being changed so im staying in hospital for a while. But thats okay, as ive got my friends supplying me with DVDs :D

Im pretty nervous about my op. Ive been getting really pissed off with people as ive been worrying about im scared about it, and people think that im being silly. I know its only a minor operation and such, but its still an operation!! The only one ive ever had was when i was a baby and i obviously dont remember that!

So im just going to keep feeling whatever i want and if people dont like it tough shit. They arent the ones in my shoes after all really, and so really havnt got a single clue while they go along with their happy healthy lives.

To be honest it might be nice to be in hospital for a while anyway, things have been a bit tense and stressy at the house im living in with friends and a few arguments have taken place. Mainly between me and other people, but if they actually took the time to listen to me and things then maybe arguing wouldnt happen. Im one of these people who will voice my opinion and thoughts about you whether you like it or not. Up to you to listen to me about them really. As long as i say my peace and theyve got nothing to say back to me, i leave it at that. I know some people have been talking about me behind my back, and behind closed doors, and i think personally that thats just cowardly! If people have something to say then say it to my face and at least give me the opportunity to explain and things, not just draw their own conclusions, as they really have no idea whats going on in my head!

But lately my moods have not been the best, and they really havnt been the best time to piss me off with petty things. So its not my fault for standing up to people and standing my ground. Wether i have to do that yelling or not i dont really care either way. People learn eventually that when im in that mood, you dont come near me, unless you want to loose your head.

So ive got plenty of films to watch and im taking some coursework in aswell so ill be kept pretty busy as i get sooo bored in hospital.

I also dont get internet in there and ive not got a dongle thing so i cant supply my own. So im going to write any blogs that i would do normally in a word doc and then copy and paste them in when i get internet back again, which will be when i come home.

Write again soon

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