Sunday, 27 June 2010

Feeling a bit more optimistic!

So my last blog wasn't a very happy or calm one really!

I did as a few people suggested and just thought calmly about the situation, whey up my options, sleep on things a little. I didn't want to rush into a decision i might regret. No matter what my last post suggested. I do love Uni, and i love my course (certain things excluded about that) and i don't really want to leave Uni, unless i got really really very ill and had no choice, or some other situation occurred and i had no choice but to leave.

So i thought and slept and thought some more. I took a look at my results again with a clearer mind and didn't just see the negative side of it all. I did 6 modules and i passed 3 of them, and failed the other three, but only the exam side of them modules. So i did actually pass half my second year!

I worked out the results as well, and to pass on coursework or exams, you need to get 40% + well on one exam i got only 24, but that's only 16 marks from a pass, and most of my question were worth about 8+ points, so really that means i only messed up on two questions! Not bad for a 2 hr exam!
The other two i missed a pass by 7/8 marks, which again each question was worth 8+ marks and so that means i only messed up 1 question on each of them exams!

This made me feel a little more smarter than i had previously felt. It showed me that i was clearly on the right track somewhere along the exam paper line, just not quite there. Plus i have a feeling that i know where i fell down and lost my marks for the exams i missed a pass by 7 or 8 marks on, and so I'm hoping that i just need to really improve them weaknesses and refresh all the other things and i should be better at the exams enough for a pass! I even thought of the point that i might have lost some marks simply because they couldn't read my writing or it didn't make sense!

So i managed to put a positive spin on the negative a little, and I'm pretty happy i managed to do that, as otherwise id still be curled in a ball crying on my bed about what a failure i am, and why do i bother with anything when i always seem to fall flat on myself lol!

I think the sunshine has definitely helped lift my spirits :D Long may it continue!!

So i just need to find £150 to pay for my resits as its £50 a time if the student doesn't have extenuating circumstances accepted or submitted. Which i didn't - that's a very long story and ill tell anyone who really wants to know, as long as they are willing to accept a very long emailed explanation haha!
I think that that was what i was worried and upset about the most, that i wouldn't be able to find the money to resit and then as they are core modules that i have to pass to continue with my course, then i would have to leave Uni. As i said, something i don't want really!!

I think i can find the money. And being at home will help with the revision process again as ill be in a more relaxed place. Not somewhere i feel a lot of pressure, etc...

I actually got out the house today as well for like the first time in about a week. Ive been sitting in my garden and things, but I've not ventured past the front door threshold. I went to town this morning with my mum, insisting on completing my hunt for a nice pair of sandals that actually fit my skinny feet! The hunt was successful and i got a pair of black studded gladiator style sandals :D I managed to save £1.30 with my student card as well so it made it all the more a happy occasion! Got myself 3 more reading books for the summer as well, as I've read everything on my bookshelf. Some of them two or three times haha! They were on a 3 for 2 offer as well so saved some money there as well!

The only thing that hindered my good day today was - no not the football! - that when i was in town, and it was starting to heat up a bit more, i got suddenly really tight chested and found it very hard to breath. I had to sit down and use my inhaler and have a drink. Luckily i had one in my bag. Then due to the lack of breath - at least i think that's the reason - i ended up getting a really bad stitch in my side :( It made it hard to breath as well, so me and mum ended up having to get a taxi home instead of a nice walk. Oh well never mind, I'm all grand now! Just part of the heat i think!

Hope every one's enjoying this glorious weather :D

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