Monday, 22 November 2010


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this already but I've been able to start at my local gym! After months of going between different people to get it organised, its all sorted nearly and I've started :)

In fact I've just got back about 1/2 an hour ago from a session there. I impressed my trainer to no end and shocked myself as well because i managed half an hour of exercise today :D Usually i get to ten mins and I'm huffing and puffing for breath and just cant do any more!
 I'm not saying it wasn't easy as pie, far from it in fact. I had a massive coughing fit and had to try not to throw up like usually happens at home. Thankfully i managed to control it and was able to get on with more exercise.
My dehydration levels go through the roof more than they normally do, and i think i got through one and a half bottles of water in just half an hour. Drinking more as well now I'm home, so trying to manage that while exercising it proving a small challenge as i forget I've got water there to drink haha!

I managed 6 mins on two different cardio machines, and did two reps of ten on the two different weight machines. So all in all pretty amazed at myself really :)
I'm booked in for twice next week as i really want to get more into this and start feeling the benefits!

Ive got my next appointment on the 3rd December, and so if my lung function has gone up ill be extremely happy!! Its 45% at the mo, and i would love to gain even just 5% back and take it in small steps like that. But then if i get back over 5% that's just a bonus!!

Time shall only tell...

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