Tuesday, 5 July 2011


I had a clinic appointment recently and the Dr sat down and said that she needs to have a serious discussion with me but shes not pushing anything on me and that whatever my decision is they will respect that and help me in any way they can. I instantly knew it was about my weight and about the PEG so i prepared myself for an ear bashing about not eating enough and that i need to try harder etc etc...

But it didnt come! I was shocked, the Dr was really nice about it and she showed me the chart of my weight tracking since i joined them and it was shocking to say the least!
I was in 2009 around 54kg and since then with each infection getting worse and taking more of a toll on me, my weight is whats been suffering the most. I knew that it wasnt the best it could be or should be, but i didnt realise it was THAT bad. Its like ive been slowly disappearing and not realised it really.

So she discussed my options with me.
Option 1 :- To carry on as im doing so and just eat as much as i can and include a range of supplements as well. I can manage one supplement a day at the moment and use Polycal in most things i can, but i want to be having at least 3 supplements a day to give myself a chance. But it was made clear that if i chose this option that i would need to be having at least a minimum of 6 supplements a day plus my ordinary meals and snacks. This didnt seem realistic to me at all!

Option 2:- NG Feeding. This was right out the window from the start. I cant handle the thought of passing a tube up my nose and so i just wouldnt be able to actually do it. So thats two options out the window really.

Option 3:- I knew what this one was going to be. This was the PEG.
I have had lengthy discussions with the dietician about this and i nearly had it done in March. I was halfway there on the train and they rang me to say my bed has been cancelled and not to bother coming in. They had known this all day and decided now to ring me when they knew i would be travelling in. We went home and after lengthy phonecalls and people being so inept at communication i cancelled the whole thing and told them to forget about it.
I felt like it was fate telling me i didnt need it done and as i wasnt 100% about happy or wanting to have it done i felt it was the right thing to do at the time to cancel it.
Now i feel that it is my only option and so i have made the, for me, rather huge decision to have another go at having it done. This time i think it will go ahead as its fairly urgent now.

The Dr said if my weight drops any more and my lung function in turn gets worse that i am referred for being considered for a transplant, that they wouldnt even look at me due to my weight being so low. This scared me as i dont want to ever be in the position of needing a transplant, (though i know it is still possible with this disease being so unpredictable) and them turning me away for my possible second chance just because i cant keep myself weighty enough.

So after discussion with mum i decided i am going to have the PEG done. I rang the hospital on the Thursday last week to say i will go ahead with that option and the Dr has sent off my referral to the Endoscopy team. So its just a matter of waiting for that to be sorted now and then a plan of action wil be made for me to go in for a few days before the procedure for some IVs. I will stay for a while after the procedure as well to make sure my IVs are doing the trick and i am fully trained to manage my PEG at home.

I discussed my fears with the Dr then and there and for once i felt like she understood them! Anyone else ive told on the team ive always felt like they have just thought im being rediculous and to stop being so stupid. I didnt feel any pressure this time and i think thats partly because i know it is the best option for me now, where as previously i didnt think it was the right time at all.


  1. It must be such a hard decision to have to make. I don't know much about PEGs if I'm honest. I do however know a bit about endoscopy. Make a pact with them that they'll make sure the sedation knocks you out completely and ask them to check if that makes it easier for you? Perhaps decide on a hand signal you can give them if you're uncomfortable or aware of anything? It will be so good not to have the huge pressure of trying to make yourself eat all the time. When you're not feeling so good and your appetite has vansihed, the pressure is off knowing you won't have to force feed yourself.

    I'm so glad the drs didn't force it upon you. It's really not helpful when they insist that you do something. It makes me even more stubborn not to agree to what they want me to do! haha!

    Big hugs! xx

  2. Have you tried NG feeding? The thought it worse than actually passing the tube. For me it was the best thing but it's your choice!
