My "things to do" list...

  1. Get my Degree
  2. Fall in love
  3. Get my provisional license
  4. Learn to drive
  5. Get a car (when i can afford it)
  6. Save for nothing in particular
  7. Complete all the things to do in my text books i keep buying
  8. Re-paint bedroom
  9. Get a new desktop pc
  10. Raise more money for the CF Trust (and keep raising it)
  11. Raise awareness for organ donation
  12. Get lung function back up to 70% at least
  13. Start running again
  14. Do more Wii fit stuff
  15. Do more glass painting
  16. Take mum on holiday somewhere
  17. Get me and mum a passport
  18. Get more tattoos (on going)
  19. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of me
  20. Get shelves or at least one shelf up in my room
  21. Go on more bike rides with mum
  22. Move home
  23. Eat more
  24. Get some real clients for websites
  25. Get more confidence
  26. Dont be as shy
  27. Get some muscles on my arms!
  28. Go off road driving
  29. Sing in the rain
  30. Write short stories
  31. Dont bottle things up so much
  32. Get a job (even if just weekends)
  33. Pay off my mountain of overdraft - getting there!!
  34. Get over my fear of ringing people
  35. Stand up to my doctor more
  36. See my dad again
  37. Be less lazy
  38. Find that one true friend
  39. Create my photo montage on my bedroom wall
  40. See P!nk in concert again
  41. Go dancing and not care what others think of me!
  42. Procrastinate less
  43. Wear a skirt outside the house, not just inside!
  44. Stand up for myself when needed
  45. Smile at nothing in particular
  46. Take up photography
  47. Practice drawing more
  48. Go on holiday with friends